Adventures and Dinosaurs

Lyon’s MJ vigil
July 5, 2009, 8:50 am
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Promise I’m not blog obsessed, but I had to share this before bed.

All night I’d been seeing from afar a massive comotion happening in the main square of Lyon. When I met up with Peter we decided to investigate. And it was beautiful.

It was a massive vigil for Michael Jackson. People were lighting candles, writing messages, getting caught up in acapella renditions of his greatest hits, and dancing along to handclaps. It was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen, and really drove home just how important his music was to everyone, everywhere.

After that we went to get a beer. Would you believe that it took us a good 20mins to find a pub/bar??? Maybe we were barking up the wrong trees.

In Lyon!
July 5, 2009, 3:22 am
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After 33 hours, six movies, five airline meals, four flights, one book and the nastiest fast food breakfast you’ve ever seen (thanks Hong Kong crossant-based big breakfast… I can still feel you in my gut) I’m on the bus to Lyon to check into my hotel.
Flying really isn’t that bad… Maybe it’s because I waste hours away at my desk, but sitting in front of a screen with movies on demand while food gets brought to you is a pretty great way to spend 14+ hours in a confined steel tube, hurtling through the sky at 800km/h.

Anyway, Lyon approaches… Dad and I will get into town at 8pm, and enjoy the hotel luxuries for a bit before getting a much-awaited proper meal. And then hopefully I’ll be able to track Peter down for a beer, so he can tell me all about being a creepy Blur obsessive and get me super stoked for tomorrows gig (as if i’m not already at fever pitch over seeing BLUR ON A MOUNTAIN)