Adventures and Dinosaurs

Off to a good start…
July 3, 2009, 10:40 pm
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Best economy class seat ever. Even I can pretty much stretch my legs!

About to leave Melbourne for Lyon via Hong Kong and London. Reading Beautiful Losers by Leonard Cohen, a gift from an ex that was never really given the attention it was deserved. But given that im seeing the great man on Tuesday i thought it was a good time.

So far it’s a long, poetic, brutal, erotic sprawl of imagination. I’ve never read anything like it but I’m captivated. I’ll be reading it until I’m so tired that I’m forced to watch crappy in flight movies.

It begins!
July 3, 2009, 6:23 pm
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…stuck in ridiculous traffic on the way to the airport. This should be a fun couple of months! Everything is meticulously arranged and packed, but it doesn’t shake the feeling that somethings missing.